Some SEO Wins to improve your website ranking

Some SEO Wins to improve your website ranking

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Are you trying to improve your ranking on the search engine result pages (SERPs)? Then, you are on the right place. We are going to share with you all some SEO wins which helps you to improve your website ranking on the SERPs and gives your website a boost.

If you implements these SEO wins I guaranteed you that you will surely get a very good result through search engine and you get more traffic as well.

So, let’s start our blog of Some SEO Wins to improve your website ranking

Don’t underestimate the internal links:

Many of you are not taking internal links very seriously and this is the most common mistakes you do. Internal links are one of the most important thing for a website boosting process. If you use internal link with good strategies and place them where they really need then they helps to boost your performance on the google. There are 2 reasons why they are important in SEO Wins.

  • Internal links supports the flow of page ranking all over your website, and page rank is guaranteed Google’s ranking factor.
  • You can build links to knowledgeable content and link your money page via internal link because most of the webmaster rarely want to link to your most important page. Because they are usually transactional nature.

So the question is how you can do this, Well you just have make a list of your money pages (for example) That type of pages which makes money for you. Maximum times that are the product, service, and catalogue pages.

The next step is you’ll have to find some relevant and contextual opportunities of internal linking. The easy way to do this is use the site: Google search operator. After that look at the suggested link opportunities. If they are relevant then add your internal links. This is the most important point for SEO wins.

Install a plugin for caching:

For a website every big or small things are commonly responsible for the google ranking factor. Many serves proves that more than 70% of consumer agree that page speed is one of the biggest reason for their buy mood. For that there is one way to improve your website speed is that you have to install a caching plugin. Caching is nothing but a way to temporarily store copies of files so that files can delivered the visitor in more effective way.

Optimize the title tags of your top-ranking pages:

The title Google shows on the Search Engine Result Pages is the same as the page’s title tag two-thirds of the time. Google may in these days depend less on the title tags but our research found that google rewrites title tags only 33% on the time.

Reclaim the lost links:

If you have any page that are almost not in use or you can say that are dead but there are backlinks which is pointed out that page. Then those types of links are wasted. So it can’t rank because it’s dead and that can’t help your other pages rank better too.

Therefore you have to fix these pages.

Here, How to find these types of pages

  • First you have to enter your domain in any site explorer website
  • Then go to the best by links report
  • After that set the HTTP code filter to 404 not found

After everything you have to redirect these pages to the most appropriate, page. Or consider reviving them.

These are Some SEO wins to improve your website ranking. If you are interested then let us know we provide you some other SEO wins for your website and boost your ranking.

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